To my friends 29th, 30th June and Daily Encouragement July 1

29th June

ACADEMIC achievement and intellectual ability have nothing to do with attaining Buddhahood. The spirit of faith is what counts. Nichiren Daishonin clearly stated: “It is the heart that is important.”

THOSE who do not value the organization are practicing self-centred faith. With such faith, you cannot expect to receive the truly profound benefits of this practice. Working hard within the organization for people’s happiness and welfare is itself truly noble Buddhist practice. Advancing kosen-rufu and defeating devilish forces is the challenge of the Boddhisattvas of the Earth.

A life that is always filled with appreciation is a bright and cheerful one – be it when you are meeting with people, when someone gives you a lift in his car, or when you are at home with your family. Being able to sincerely offer thanks is a sign of living a truly happy life. Where people embody such a sense of appreciation, they send out waves of happiness that envelop both themselves and others.

THE Ongi Kuden stated, “Belief is like the price and wisdom is like the treasure.” For example, with one dollar of belief, you can obtain only one dollar’s worth of wisdom, whereas if you summon forth ten thousand or one million dollar worth of belief, the wisdom and power you can obtain will increase in like measure. Limitless belief gives rise to limitless wisdom.

TO change one’s miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith. Please advance with powerful, courageous faith and deep confidence in the supreme power of the Gohonzon, towards a life filled with happiness, benefits and hope. –  NichirenDaishoningoshoblog

To My Friends
JUNE 29TH 2015
The young women’s division members
are making a fresh, hope-filled start.
I ask that you create a joyful solidarity
of “flowers” and inspire one another
like bright and cheerful sunlight!(*)
May the springtime of your youth
bring you joy and fulfillment.

(*)Here, the words “flowers” and “sunlight” refer to the Chinese reading of the characters used in the name for the “Kayo-kai” group, which literally means “Flower-Sun Group”and comprises all active young women’s division members.

30th June
I hope you will become the nucleus of efforts to form a truly global family of humanity and further, a global family of humanity that is dedicated to world peace. Please possess this spirit. The important thing is your determination to do so, here and now, just as you are.
SUCCESS, is not a matter of accumulating more of this or that; it is not measured in quantity. It means changing the quality of your life. Wealth, power, fame and knowledge alone cannot make you happy, no matter how much you acquire them. Nor can you take them with you when you die. But by improving the quality of your life you will at last approach true happiness.
THE Daishonin described the Gohonzon as a “cluster of blessings” and went on to state, “The Gohonzon is found in faith alone.” Everything hinges on the strength of one’s faith. If your faith is strong, your life itself will become a cluster of blessings. People of strong faith, therefore, never reach a deadlock. They can transform all situations into benefits, into happiness.
THE Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin expounds that we should not seek a heavenly paradise somewhere outside ourselves. Nor should we seek an emotional escape from reality. The lotus flower of our own life blooms in no other place than in actual society and in our daily existence.
ONE who fails to train his body and mind while young, will in many cases find that his determination and ideals are often destroyed in his later years. Furthermore, it is likely that such a person will turn out to be a complete loser in life.

June 30, 2015
The power of Nichiren Buddhism
enables us to absolutely and
positively transform any karma.
Let’s continue to pray with
great conviction and take action
with an indomitable spirit!
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.


1st July

IF we take action, we are certain to meet with obstacles. When we overcome them with renewed passion for kosen-rufu, we are able to develop our faith.

SOCIETY is a place of confusion, full of contradictions and collisions of egos. It is precisely in these muddy waters of earthly desires that the state of Buddhahood, in other words, the great flower of absolute happiness, fragrantly blooms forth.

PEOPLE who have powerful life force are happy. People who have strong conviction are happy. They have the ability to take control of their lives, to open up their own paths before them. Weak people, in contrast, are miserable. They bring misery and unhappiness upon themselves. Faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism enables us to become as strong as we can.

ONLY those who are determined to give their all, to try their very best and make effort upon effort, sparkle with true individuality. Such people can also respect and appreciate others’ individuality. They never try to sabotage other people’s success or pick on people because they are different.

NOW is the time for youth to stand up. It is the Century of Soka Youth. If you are going to try to achieve something, then strive to be the best. Please create a great record of accomplishment that will win the applause and praise of others. Be a presence that inspires reassurance, confidence, a person whose dedicated efforts deeply moved others.

NOTE: New! Visit for Nichiren Daishonin’s gosho, A Gift of Rice.

Daily Encouragement

July 1

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion, Nichiren says (MW-1, 119). It is by chanting powerful daimoku, like a lion’s roar, that we can move the Buddhist deities, the protective forces of the universe. The voice is very important–it has profound power. While naturally being careful not to disturb your neighbors, I hope you will endeavor to chant cheerful and powerful daimoku that reaches all the Buddhist deities and Buddhas throughout the ten directions.

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

To My Friends – JUNE 26TH, 27TH, 28TH 2015:

26th June

SIMPLY trying to lead a normal life amid the severe realities of modern society will not enable you to change your karma. Breaking the chains of one’s karma requires great energy similar to the thrust needed by a rocket to break the pull of Earth’s gravity and to be launched into outer space. What provides us with this tremendous power is the Mystic Law.

AS far as the fundamental teachings of Buddhism and the Gosho are concerned, I hope that, regarding them as absolutely correct, you will first and foremost strive to put them into practice. I urge you to do so because this is the shortest route to understanding the essence of Buddhism from the depths of your life.

TAKING care of the tasks at hand is important. The main thing is to make your goals clear and then set about achieving them one by one with steady and thorough efforts. It is only through such continuous efforts that we can open up the path before us. We must also never neglect small details.

BEHIND each of us stand not just four billion years of kindness from the Earth, but the compassion of the entire universe since time without beginning. Therefore you must not slander or devalue your life. Life is the most precious of all treasures. Each of you has been given this invaluable gift and each of you is irreplaceable.

By working for kosen-rufu, we become healthy; we become filled with vitality and life force. The great path of eternal hope and victory lies in a life dedicated to kosen-rufu.

To My Friends
JUNE 26TH 2015
Let’s help others transform
“worry” and “resignation” into
“hope” and “courage”!
Encouragement emanating from
a great life force will inspire
our fellow members to change
their inner resolve.
Let’s make wholehearted efforts
to provide guidance and advice
in faith!

27th June
BUDDHIST study is not the mere memorization of theory. Your determination to study is an important aspect of your attitude in faith. You must understand that we study to deepen our faith, to promote kosen-rufu and to progress towards our attainment of Buddhahood.

CLIMBING a mountain entails difficulty. And the higher the mountain is, the greater are the difficulties that a climber faces. However, once he reaches the summit, he will be able to savour a state of mind far greater than that attained by those who handily climb lesser peaks.

LIVE your life so that you can declare, “I have no regrets. I enjoyed my life. I encouraged many others and gave them hope. It was a good life.” The original Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, promised us that this will be the result if we practice correctly, following the principle, “Faith manifests itself in daily life.” The words of the Buddha contain no falsehood.

WE need to cultivate a state of life where we can thoroughly enjoy ourselves at all time. We should have such joy that, even at the time of death, we can declare with a happy smile. Such individuals will be reborn without delay, and in a form and in a place exactly according to their desires.

SPEAK out! The way to victory lies in persistent and thorough dialogue. And let us resolutely build a great force of Bodhisattvas of the Earth who will form the foundation for lasting peace for all human kind!

To My Friends
JUNE 27TH 2015
Every day is a fresh departure and
a new struggle for development.
Advance toward your goals with a
ceaselessly challenging spirit
and compose a golden history
of your life!

28th June
A person who has correct faith is walking the highest path a human being can travel in life. No matter how rich or famous one might be, such things do not last. Without faith, he will eventually feel dissatisfied and experience a sense of emptiness, ultimately ending in misery and loneliness.
TO give up halfway in your practice of faith is like disembarking from an airplane that is in mid-flight. I hope that all of you will become people of courage, who, even if you were to be deserted by others, would persevere in the way of faith that you have determined to follow, to the very end of your lives. If there is even one such person of genuine faith, waves of kosen-rufu will spread far and wide.
ONLY when we practise with correct faith can we activate the power of the Great Law. However sophisticated an aircraft may be, it will not fly smoothly if its pilot is drunk. Mr Toda likened the Gohonzon to a “happiness-manufacturing machine”, but only when we have correct faith can we benefit from the infinite power of the Law and the power of the Buddha.
A saying goes that trying to straighten the horns of a cow could kill the cow. Instead of nit-picking over another’s weaknesses, it is far more valuable to encourage them, giving them hope and enabling them to find goals. Through doing so, we can help someone who is impatient, for example, become someone who cannot wait to take positive action.
THE most precious treasure parents can pass on to their children is faith. No matter how splendidly they hope to raise their children, they are overlooking the most essential area if they neglect to teach them about faith and are caught up in appearances and other superficial matters. Their children will not be able to accumulate good fortune and will encounter defeat in life. –  NichirenDaishoningoshoblog

June 28, 2015
We can open the door
to someone’s heart
by being a good listener.
Let’s understand the situation
and worries of the other person
and engage in sincere, passionate
dialogue that leads to happiness.
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

–TO MY FRIENDS–June 23th, 24th, 25th 2015:

23rd June
WHEN we face hardships or challenging times, it is particularly important that we remain in close contact with sincere, warmhearted members and advance together with the harmonious organization for kosen-rufu. By doing so, we deny devilish functions any chance to enter our lives. The SGI is truly a “safe haven” of life. And there is no greater joy than a life dedicated to faith.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN taught that we can attain Buddhahood in this lifetime. In order to do so, we have to pass through the trials of the three obstacles and four devils. That is all we need to do to attain enlightenment in this lifetime and enjoy the boundless state of Buddhahood over eternity.

HOW do we tackle our problems? This challenge is what makes for a rich life. Buddhism teaches that “earthy desires are enlightenment”. The greater our sufferings, the greater happiness we can transform them into – through the power of the daimoku.

YOU are the pioneers of kosen-rufu in your respective countries and communities. The blessings you will accumulate are as great as the ocean or a huge mountain, and they will continue to grow limitlessly as the sphere of kosen-rufu expands. How fortunate we are and how marvelous is the Mystic Law.

WHETHER one has faith or not, to boldly scale the mountains of difficulties that one faces with a strong determination is the correct way to live as a human being. It is all the more important that we, who stand upon our faith with a sense of mission, face and overcome all obstacles that confront us, without trying to avoid anything. This we must do for our own sake, for the sake of the society and for the sake of the Law.

NOTE: Visit

June 23, 2015
Men’s Division members who
are striving strenuously for the
sake of your families and communities–
thank you for your constant dedication!
Please continue to uphold your ideals and
vow [for kosen-rufu] and become
respectworthy golden pillars!
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

24th June

THE ultimate essence of faith in the Mystic Law is that the life of Nichiren Daishonin manifests itself in our lives. We can strive with the same strength as Nichiren Daishonin. When we do so, we will never be defeated, no matter what hardships we encounter. We will not be unhappy. We will not fail to win. We will not fail to become happy. This is the quintessence of faith. I hope you will all be completely convinced of this and live your lives filled with optimism and hope.

WE must live with vibrant hope. Nothing is stronger than hope. The Mystic Law is itself eternal hope. Happiness belongs to those who never despair, no matter what happens.

LIFE is a struggle. Reality is a struggle. Nichiren Daishonin taught that Buddhism is about winning. So we must win in life. To embrace the Mystic Law is to grasp the sword of victory. We can triumph over all. We can triumph and enjoy our lives. “A person of faith” is synonymous with “a person of victory”.

I for my part was firmly convinced that, because President Toda was the great leader of kosen-rufu, to protect him was to protect kosen-rufu and the Great Pure Law. In fact, because I remained with and supported him during that difficult time, I was able to expand my state of life far more than others.

THE Gosho states, “To accept is easy, to continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith.” No matter what obstacles might arise, you must never leave the Gohonzon. This is because faith in the Gohonzon is the solid base for happiness amid the stern realities of daily life.

To My Friends
JUNE 24TH 2015
I express my heartfelt appreciation to the
volunteers who help clean and maintain our
activity centers behind the scenes.
Drink plenty of liquids on hot days and
fully guard against heatstroke.
Please make good health your priority!

25th June
EVERYTHING you do for the sake of faith ultimately comes back to you in the form of happiness. Therefore, I hope that for your own sake, you will continue to walk the great path of faith with courage and hope.

FORMALITIES are important in certain cases, but mere formality that lacks substance is an evil. Formalities, in and of themselves, have no life; where as substance is alive. Formality is provisional and substance essential. Formality is conventional and therefore conservative but substance provides the impetus for progress and development.

LIVING is moving forward, making progress on all fronts. If you give up your efforts to move forward, it means you are retreating on life itself. And since faith is the driving force of our lives, retreating in faith is the cause of all unhappiness. That is why you must, with your fellow members and with the organization devoted to kosen-rufu, encourage each other and achieve victory in faith and in life.

THE important thing is not just sympathizing with or pitying others, but really understanding what they are going through. Empathy is crucial. Sometimes just having someone who really understands can give us the strength to go on.

NOT advancing is regressing. Let us advance and strive day after day, so that we have no regrets. Let us make each day one of brave and vigourous advancement, of dynamic progress. Let us accomplish a towering victory for kosen-rufu in the 21st century, causing our movement to shine even more brilliantly with new light and new capable people.

To My Friends
JUNE 25TH 2015
The Daishonin admonishes,
“The wise will rejoice
while the foolish will retreat.”(*)
When we come up against a wall,
it is an opportunity to grow and develop.
Let’s stand up courageously with
great conviction!

(*)”The Three Obstacles and Four Devils,” WND, p. 637)

–TO MY FRIENDS–June 20, 21st, 22nd2015:

20th June
IN the realm of Buddhism, incurring slander and abuse as a result of our efforts to spread the Law is the highest honour; it is also actual proof that we will attain Buddhahood. Nichiren Daishonin taught that we must never fear such persecution.

PEOPLE who have genuine concern for others stand firm when faced with injustice. Buddhism teaches that anger can be constructive or destructive. When justice or good is imperiled, it is necessary to become angry. On the other hand, anger that arises from pure emotionalism is no more than a manifestation of Animality.

ONE may also say that our Buddhist practice functions as a polishing diamond, in that through it we are not only able to bring forth our brilliance, but to polish and bring forth that of others, too. Our path of faith is one in which both we and others shine together.

THE life of a person who shrinks before oppression and tries to get by with cunning strategies and fake-hood is extremely pitiful. Such a life is self-defeating.

AS youthful leaders of kosen-rufu, I hope you will dedicate yourselves to the basic practice of faith throughout your lives. Always return to the basics and begin with the basics as you powerfully determine to advance steadily towards kosen-rufu and a solid existence.


June 20, 2015
The power of the Mystic Law is boundless!
Remember, “No prayer will go unanswered.”(*)
There is no wall that cannot be surmounted.
Let’s advance with unwavering conviction.
(*)”If you have faith in this Gohonzon and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo even for a short while, no prayer will go unanswered, no offense will remain unforgiven, all good fortune will be bestowed, and all righteousness proven .” (Commentary on “The True Object of Worship” by Nichikan Shonin)
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.Visit:

21st June
EVEN should someone look upon you as a lost cause, you must never look upon yourself that way. Should someone berate you as having no talent or ability, you must not succumb to the negative message of their words. Unperturbed by others’ negativity, grit your teeth, keep believing in yourself, chant daimoku, and face your challenges head-on, with all your might.

SO long as you are courageous, you will never be swayed from your Buddhist practice by evil influences. You can live a truly meaningful existence, deeply enjoying every aspect of your life. If you are courageous enough, you will experience a great upsurge of life-force which will enable you to change your negative karma. At the same time, your sense of mission for kosen-rufu will also become stronger.

IT is the sharp sword of the Mystic Law and the great power of faith that enable us to completely severe the chain of sufferings. Therefore, I wish to make it clear that in order to secure eternal freedom and happiness, you must absolutely not be cowardly, especially in faith.

THERE is no such thing as a life free of sufferings or a world without problems. Indeed, life is made interesting by the very fact that all kinds of challenges occur. Those who base their lives on the Mystic Law are able to call forth supreme wisdom and break through all obstacles, no matter what; they are able to achieve a life of profound value wherein all their desires are fulfilled.

IN the Art of War by Sun-Tzu, the ancient text contains this maxim: “A victorious army first wins and then seeks battle; a defeated army first battles and then seeks victory.” In other words, the victors have won through preparation and strategy before the actual battle begins.

To My Friends
JUNE 21ST 2015
“Trifling matters accumulate
to become grave ones.”(*)
The small victories we win each day
will lead to achieving a great
and joyous victory.
Let’s advance a step or even half a step,
triumphing over ourselves today.

(*)”The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings,” WND-I, p. 1133

22nd June
EVERYTHING that happens in the world of faith has deep meaning and value. Please be convinced that nothing is meaningless in the realm of faith.

EVERYDAY I offer earnest prayers for your happiness, good health and success. You each have your respective place of mission; you are all extremely precious children of the Buddha who are dedicated to the cause of kosen-rufu. I hope that while fostering cordial and warm relations among yourselves, you will advance as good citizens of your country.

A life spent day-dreaming about, “I only I didn’t have this problem….”, is a life of failure. In contrast, one who continually makes constructive efforts, approaching things from the standpoint of, “What can I do to overcome these circumstances and turn them into a source of value and victory?”, is a winner.

TRUE concern for others manifests itself as unconditional friendship. To be considerate means that the more someone is suffering, the more love you show them. It gives you the courage to help others to stand up. And it means recognizing another person’s unhappiness for what it is, trying to understand and share their suffering. Consideration is training ourselves in the art of encouraging others.

OUR voice praying earnestly for the sake of kosen-rufu – that in itself is the voice of the bodhisattva and the voice of the Buddha. It is indeed a case of “our voice doing the Buddha’s work”


To My Friends
JUNE 22ND 2015
Those who share Nichiren Buddhism
with others are the envoys
of the Daishonin.
Therefore, don’t be a coward!
[Taking to heart the Daishonin’s words,]
“But still I am not discouraged,”(*)
let’s hold our heads high and continue
continue to engage in Buddhist

(*)”The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood,” WND I, p. 748.

To My Friends ~ June 17th, 18th,19th 2015:

17th June
THOSE with a seeking mind will always feel refreshed, hopeful and filled with joy. We must realize that only through a seeking spirit can we polish and deepen our faith. This is true not only in the realm of faith. In any field of endeavour, everything is determined by one’s seeking mind.

IT is the desire of the original Buddha that each of your families is harmonious and happy. I also sincerely hope that, treasuring your lives and doing your best at your jobs, each of you without exception will lead victorious life. It is for this reason that we carry out our practice of faith.

ALL things have meaning in Buddhism; nothing is wasted. The law of cause and effect is absolute. In some spheres, taking the easy way and avoiding hard work may seem to pay off. However, in Buddhism, the results of all of our unseen efforts and our subtle, invisible ichinen, or inner attitude of mind, are directly manifested in our lives. Therefore, the important thing is to make efforts on our own initiative, whether anyone is watching us or not.

NO one can escape the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death. We all fall ill. We all have times when we are not up to top form. When one does become ill, the important thing is to bring forth strong prayer and wisdom aimed at overcoming that sickness. We should strengthen our life force through chanting dynamic, resonant daimoku, while actively availing ourselves of qualified medical expertise and sound treatment.

HUMILITY means doing your best in your present circumstances and situation, working together harmoniously with those around you. Arrogance, on the other hand, is doing whatever you please, without thinking about anyone else. Arrogance is wrong and will bring one misfortune.

NOTE: Visit

To My Friends ~

June 17th 2015:

“Youth division members,
make arduous efforts at sharing
Nichiren Buddhism with others!
Men and women’s division members,
work together and give them
wholehearted encouragement!
The unity of the Soka family is
the driving force for spreading

~ Daisaku Ikeda


18th June

ONE should not fall into the trap thinking that just by praying alone, everything will be all right. The true power of prayer is only manifested to its fullest extent when it is accompanied by action. Buddhism is a teaching of reason.

YOUR constant practice for yourself and for others will enable you to lead a true sense of fulfillment in the depths of your life. At the same time, you will greatly develop your life-condition. Such efforts in practice will also allow you to accumulate immeasurable benefits while setting your life on a course towards happiness. Please keep this in mind.

TO actively promote young people of outstanding ability to positions of responsibility, and allow them to give free rein to their potential, accords with the spirit of Buddhism. It is also the spirit of the SGI, and it ought to be the spirit of each member-organisation. The reason for this is that the dynamic activities of young people are the fundamental driving force for fresh development.

HAVING faith in the Gohonzon is important. When we as common mortals chant daimoku with sincere faith, our lives are naturally polished and come to emit the brilliance of Buddhahood. This brilliance is manifested outwardly in our daily lives in the form of benefits and good fortune, and inwardly as refreshing humanity, rich wisdom and vigourous life force.

LIFE is making practical efforts. It is challenging ourselves. It is advancing. Your youth will never come again. Please leave behind some achievement; please create something, as a record of your existence in this world.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin’s gosho, The Three Kinds of Treasure.

To My Friends
June 18TH 2015

Take the greatest precaution
when driving in rainy weather.
Visibility is reduced and
there is danger of tire slippage.
Let’s absolutely keep from being
inattentive or careless and
remain free of accidents!


19th June

LEARNING is the individual’s inalienable right. As human beings, it is not only our right but also our duty. Please never lose the desire to continue learning throughout your lives!

BEING introvert does not make someone incapable, just as being quick-tempered does not make a person useless. We should live in a way that is true to ourselves. The fundamental aim of Buddhism is to enable us to do that. To advance towards our dreams cheerfully; to courageously work towards achieving them – this is what gives the most sublime meaning and value to our lives.

THOSE who fail to polish themselves, even though they might possess fame or power, invariably end up in a sad and pitiful state. In contrast, no matter how ordinary they may appear, those who have thoroughly polished themselves shine with increasing brilliance as the years go by.

IT is the cry of the spirit from the very depths of a person’s life that shakes and moves other people’s hearts. Similarly, Buddhism is above all concerned with the world of the heart. It expounds the principle that enables us to manifest the infinite power of the spirit. People of faith should strive to become outstanding citizens of their respective countries. There is no need for you to try to imitate others, or force yourself into following any specific pattern of behaviour.

AS you embrace the Gohonzon and continue to carry out your faith correctly towards the final goal of enlightenment, you will naturally find yourself in tune with the profound principles expounded in the Gosho. Please realize that your study of Nichiren Daishonin’s true Buddhism adds substance to your practice of faith, allowing you to advance correctly and confidently.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin’s gosho, The Three Kinds of Treasure.

To My Friends
JUNE 19TH 2015
If we speak with sincerity,
we can definitely communicate
heart to heart.
Trust shines when conversations
are honest and true.
Come, let’s go among the people!

–TO MY FRIENDS– June 16th, 17th, 18th 2015:

16th June

PLEASE do not spend your youth avoiding hardship and taking the path of least resistance. Please seek out difficult challenges and work hard. And if you are going to take on hardships, let it be for the sake of high ideal. Do not stay closed up in your own tiny shell; pursue your studies with the high ideals of helping your friends and contributing to society and humanity. This is where the true significance of pursuit of learning lies.

IN Buddhism, we say that “the voice does the Buddha’s work”. Fundamentally, this means chanting daimoku. Those who chant daimoku are, in essence, the most eloquent of all people.

FIRM faith and prayer – our deep inner determination or concentration of mind strengthens our life force. When you believe in what is right, when you direct your thoughts in the right direction, you attain the correct faith that leads to happiness. We who practice the True Law possess supreme faith. That is why we are so youthful and full of vigour and energy.

PEOPLE of first-rate character always value friendship and faith highly. Only by deepening and broadening such friendships can we open the door to a new era in history. In this sense, I hope that you will each become a person of profound character. To become a person who lacks depth of mind is the last thing I hope for you.

THERE are many people searching for fame. Such a thing, however, is no more than a dream – an illusion. Genuine happiness cannot be found within the ghost-image of reputation and fame.

NOTE: Visit

June 16, 2015
Determination must lead to action.
From the moment we say
to ourselves, “All right, I’ll do it!”
let’s commence dynamic action.
Don’t let chance slip by.
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application

17th June
THOSE with a seeking mind will always feel refreshed, hopeful and filled with joy. We must realize that only through a seeking spirit can we polish and deepen our faith. This is true not only in the realm of faith. In any field of endeavour, everything is determined by one’s seeking mind.

IT is the desire of the original Buddha that each of your families is harmonious and happy. I also sincerely hope that, treasuring your lives and doing your best at your jobs, each of you without exception will lead victorious life. It is for this reason that we carry out our practice of faith.

ALL things have meaning in Buddhism; nothing is wasted. The law of cause and effect is absolute. In some spheres, taking the easy way and avoiding hard work may seem to pay off. However, in Buddhism, the results of all of our unseen efforts and our subtle, invisible ichinen, or inner attitude of mind, are directly manifested in our lives. Therefore, the important thing is to make efforts on our own initiative, whether anyone is watching us or not.

NO one can escape the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death. We all fall ill. We all have times when we are not up to top form. When one does become ill, the important thing is to bring forth strong prayer and wisdom aimed at overcoming that sickness. We should strengthen our life force through chanting dynamic, resonant daimoku, while actively availing ourselves of qualified medical expertise and sound treatment.

HUMILITY means doing your best in your present circumstances and situation, working together harmoniously with those around you. Arrogance, on the other hand, is doing whatever you please, without thinking about anyone else. Arrogance is wrong and will bring one misfortune.

NOTE: Visit

To My Friends ~

June 17th 2015:

“Youth division members,
make arduous efforts at sharing
Nichiren Buddhism with others!
Men and women’s division members,
work together and give them
wholehearted encouragement!
The unity of the Soka family is
the driving force for spreading
~ Daisaku Ikeda

Daily Encouragement ~

Thursday, June 18, 2015:

“The great American poet Walt Whitman writes in Leaves of Grass: “All comes by the body, only health puts you rapport with the universe.” I am sure you are all very busy, but I hope you will advance in good health and with optimism and enjoy the power of your faith, which is what puts you in rhythm with the universe.”

~ Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

June 18, 2015


FORMER President Toda once said, “The Gohonzon is indeed great, but
since our practice seems so simple, people can’t believe it works.” For example, when the telephone was invented, people were astonished that it was so easy and convenient. Today, however, we take the telephone and other modern conveniences for granted.

OUT of four billion people in the world today, only 20 million know the power of the Gohonzon. The others are quite unaware of it. People didn’t trust the telephone when it first appeared. Of course the Gohonzon is based on the principle which clarifies the nature of life and is infinitely more profound than the telephone. Perhaps people mistrust it just because of its simplicity, which is a very human reaction. As science develops philosophy advances and the validity of Buddhism becomes more evident, they will understand it readily.

IN the present age of Mappo, the greatest benefit come from creating harmonious unity (Wagoso). In the Zoho period, benefits came from building temples. Today, this means building an organization to achieve Kosen-rufu, which will bring far greater benefits than erecting temples in Zoho. (pp. 150-151)

*GM. Refers to Guidance Memo*
The World Tribune Press 1975
*Chapter Three: Unity
Daisaku Ikeda

*Guidance in1975, hold true today, in 2015*

–TO MY FRIENDS– June 13th, 14th, 15th 2015:

13th June
CLIMBING over mountains and making our way through the valleys is what makes hiking interesting. The walking may be challenging but it allows us to experience wonderful vistas and arrive, in the end, at our destination. Simply flying to the spot is boring. The same is true of life.

THE Gosho stated, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest of all joys.” Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental law that moves the universe. It enables you to reveal the most joyful, dynamic condition of life. Because we chant this great daimoku everyday, we can always live with joyful vitality. Therefore, we should naturally live our lives youthfully, no matter what.

ONCE you make a resolve, courage and wisdom will well forth. Even with things that one said to be impossible, you do not know whether they are until you try for yourself. No matter what others may say, it starts with you. I hope you will be people with such strong resolution.

IN our world of faith dedicated to the achievement of kosen-rufu, all who resolutely continue to chant daimoku are ultimately victorious – all without fail attaining a state of life of absolute happiness, in other words, the state of Buddhahood. Basically, if you remember this point, your life will be secure for all eternity.

FROM the standpoint of the eternity of our lives, because we embrace the Mystic Law everything is moving in a positive direction, everything contributes to our happiness and our attainment of Buddhahood. We need to have confidence in the Mystic Law; we must not be swayed by immediate circumstances or allow them to cloud our faith.

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June 13, 2015
Let’s make wholehearted efforts
to foster members of the Future Division.(*)
A person of warmth and sincerity
can leave a lasting impression
in young hearts.
Through warm interactions,
let’s help all young people
develop into capable successors.
(*)Young people approx. 6- to 18-years-old.
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

14th June
DISCIPLES who have made their inner resolve one and the same with that of their mentor are strong; they are never defeated. This was the case with President Toda towards his mentor President Makiguchi, and with me towards my mentor President Toda. This is the spirit of the Soka Gakkai’s three founding presidents. This formula of mentor and disciple is unchanging.
OUR organization is a safety zone of faith and happiness.
WITH the spirit of each day scaling a new mountain, crossing a new ocean and discovering a new continent, through your new discoveries and thrilling experiences, you will draw your own magnificent map of the world in the depths of your life. Make the most of your time by throwing yourself into everything with high spirits.
OTHER than the fact that we chant daimoku, however, there is nothing that makes us in any way special from other people. We must exert utmost efforts to become outstanding members of society and show ourselves to be individuals of courtesy and good sense.
TRUE individuality is not something as superficial and artificial as merely trying to be different. Rather, it is something that shines from the depths of your life as a result of having discarded your attachment to such shallow pretensions and devoting all your energies to achieving something of value.
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June 14, 2015
Human revolution begins by
meeting people.
Kosen-rufu begins by engaging
in dialogue.
Let’s enable as many friends
as possible become
part of our Soka family
and gain happiness.
Translation of “Words of the Week” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application. (Monday, June 15, 2015, is a press holiday.)

15th June
WHERE can we find the key for turning our lives in a positive direction? Absolutely vital in this question is the philosophy of human revolution. Human revolution offers only the certain path to happiness and victory in life. Human revolution means transforming our lives from unhappiness to happiness.
WHAT is human revolution? When a person has spent all his time playing and goofing suddenly starts to study, that is human revolution. When a person who has hardly opened the Gosho begins to read it; when a person who did not work very hard gets up early and starts to work – these, too, are human revolution.
THERE are no Buddhas who suffer in poverty forever. And just as there are no cruel or malicious Buddhas, so too are there no weak, pallid Buddhas who allow life to defeat them. A Buddha is another name for a person who is determined to win no matter what.
A person who loves youth and lives side by side with young people is forever youthful. On the other hand, one who thinks only of himself as worthy respect and looks down on young people, or fails to foster and care for them, will not enjoy the support of others and will end up lonely and forlorn. Such a person is unable to develop true wisdom or character.
IN the event of illness, a person with weak faith will be carried away by devilish influences. Such a person’s life will then become impure, and he may finally lose faith entirely. A person of strong faith will be able to gaze directly at his own unhappiness and boldly overcome it with abundant daimoku.
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To My Friends ~

June 15th 2015:

Today is a press holiday for the Seikyo Shimbun. Words of the Week was sent yesterday, Sun., June 14, 2015.


“Human revolution begins by
meeting people.
Kosen-rufu begins by engaging
in dialogue.
Let’s enable as many friends
as possible become
part of our Soka family
and gain happiness.” ~ Daisaku Ikeda

–TO MY FRIENDS– June 10th, 11th, 12th 2015:

10th June
ONE who continues to chant abundant daimoku to the Gohonzon will accumulate eternal good fortune and establish an everlasting condition of joy within his life. In other words, through Buddhist practice, you can create the fundamental cause which leads to indestructible happiness. Therefore, you must absolutely never abandon your faith.

BUDDHISM is the source of an eternally vigorous and fresh spirit. It revives a life that is parched and exhausted and enables powerful life force to well forth. Even when you are in a deadlock, it opens a path of infinite hope. This is the world of the Mystic Law and the world of faith. However, no matter how wonderful and correct Buddhism might be, unless you immerse yourself in the pure flow of faith, you will not be able to tap such power.

WE are able to change suffering into a source of enlightenment and happiness in accordance with the Buddhist principle of “earthy desires are enlightenment”. The greater our suffering and sorrow, the greater happiness into which it can be transformed. Such is the power of daimoku.

OUR prayers are answered only to the extent that we exert ourselves to realize the Buddha’s wish for the happiness of all humanity. The Gohonzon (Mystic Law) has no obligation to answer our prayers. It has not asked us to chant to it. We request the privilege of being allowed to pray to the Gohonzon. If we have such a sense of gratitude and appreciation, our prayers will be answered more quickly.

OUR families are an important foundation of our daily lives. When we ensure that our families are solid and secure, everyone in the family can exert themselves wholeheartedly for kosen-rufu. And it is women who take on a large part of this important responsibility. In families, where the women are firmly grounded, the men will be likewise. On the other hand, when the men are firmly grounded but the women are not, then, more often than not, both of them will suffer. The power of women is immense.

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June 10, 2015
The Daishonin advises,
“The best way to attain Buddhahood
is to encounter a good friend.”(*)
Good friends are our life’s treasures.
Let’s create a golden history
together with our fellow members,
as we inspire one another to
greater heights.
(*)”Three Tripitaka Masters Pray for Rain,” WND 1, p. 598
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

11th June
ENCOURAGING one person can lead to the encouragement of countless others. Nichiren Daishonin knew that one person could open the way for kosen-rufu. We need to learn from the Daishonin’s example.

DEATH is the final settlement of accounts of our life in this world; we only die as we have lived. How we have lived, how full and rich we have made our life inside – all this is revealed at our last moment. At that time, we will surely know with the depths of our being how wonderful it is to have lived a life dedicated to the Mystic Law.

AS long as we remain in this strife-ridden saha world, it is impossible to stop the winds of suffering from blowing. We ourselves must be strong, we must become great trees that are untroubled by even the most powerful gales – and, indeed, even come to relish storms. We practice faith so that we may carry out our human revolution in order to enjoy such lives and to develop such inner strength.

IF supposing that because one has practiced for many years or has got a handle on the teachings of Buddhism, one acts in an arbitrary manner without seeking guidance from anyone, he will at some point become self-righteous and depart from the path of the True Law and true teaching. Such a person, even though he may give the appearance of embracing faith, is not proceeding along, the fundamental path of True Buddhism.

ALL in all, happiness and unhappiness lie nowhere but within one’s deep-seated ichinen. When viewed from the profound perspective of Buddhism, one’s strong ichinen to continuously chant daimoku to the Gohonzon will become the source of all change. In other words, you strong ichinen to continue chanting is the key to changing any situation for the better.

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JUNE 11, 2015
The young women’s division
members and their efforts
are the hope for the new era
of kosen-rufu.
Engage in dialogue that elicits
infinite passion and wonder!
Encourage and applaud one
another as you advance together!
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

12th June
THOSE who have experienced great sufferings must win in life and become happy. If you are always losing and miserable, then you are not practicing Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism correctly. You are not following the true path. Buddhism teaches the means by which the sad can become happy and the happy become happier still. That is the reason for our practice. And isn’t becoming happy one of life’s most important goals?
NICHIREN DAISHONIN replied to Shinjo Kingo: “To accept is easy; to continue is difficulty. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith. Those who uphold this sutra should be prepared to meet difficulties.” (WND, p471) It is through confronting difficulties that we attain Buddhahood and achieve a state of life of peace and tranquility. The mountains and valleys and storms along the way are something we should be prepared for and ready to overcome.
WHEN you purify your life with daimoku, you will definitely develop an utterly indestructible state of life of absolute happiness that abounds with great good fortune. In such a state of life, everything will become a source of joy. You will feel a deep sense of fulfillment even if you have neither worldly fame nor wealth. Each moment of your life will be totally satisfying.
YOU have to become wise and stand firm. Then, if there appears a person of distorted views, you will be able to deftly perceive his essential nature and to prevent the world of the True Law from being polluted by false or evil views.
TODAY, rather than leading a seemingly pleasurable life of self-indulgence, you should toil, bathe in sweat, along the road of Buddhist practice, so that tomorrow you can lead a life filled with confidence.
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June 12, 2015
The SGI discussion meeting
sparks our faith and practice
and inspires harmony and joy.
Let’s gather together with a cheerful
spirit and create an atmosphere
where budding dialogues
blossom in abundant profusion.
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

–TO MY FRIENDS– June 7th, 8th, 9th 2015:

7th June
ONE of Nichiren Daishonin’s writings that we have read countless of times stated: “You must not spend your lives in vain and regret it for ten thousand years to come.” (WND, p622) Where can we find a life that is not spent in vain? It is found, I assert, in a life dedicated to fulfilling the vow of mentor and disciple to realize kosen-rufu, which leads directly to world peace.
DEVELOP yourself so that even just seeing you will hearten and inspire those who have been shipwrecked on the voyage of life. Leave behind great achievements that will encourage all those who follow.
THE Mystic Law is the “Law of treasures”. One who embraces this Law will definitely lead a “life of treasures”. Moreover, indiscernible benefit of one’s faith also passes on to one’s ancestors and descendants and to the members of one’s family, definitely enabling them to traverse upon the brilliant path of happiness.
A courageous person is happy; an optimist in the best sense of the world, he is able to live in a powerful and forthright manner. The great benefit of the Gohonzon will manifest itself in the life of a person who possesses such courage.
WE are fortunate enough to embrace the Gohonzon. We have faith, which enables us to change our destiny, and we chant daimoku, the source of tremendous joy. The Gosho states, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest joy of al joys.” In this sense, as we chant daimoku to the Gohonzon and cause tremendous joy to well up within us, we can resolve all of our problems and unhappiness.
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June 7, 2015
One of the four virtues the Daishonin mentions
is “filial piety toward one’s father and mother.”(*)
A life brimming with appreciation is beautiful.
Treat your parents with kindness and consideration!
Shine with your own growth and development
and demonstrate victorious actual proof!
(*)”The Four Virtues and the Four Debts of Gratitude,” WND 2, p. 264
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

8th June

WE only live this precious life but once. Please make continual efforts, steadily overcoming life’s challenges one step at a time until you ultimately achieve a life in which all of your wishes are realized. May all of you, without exception, become happy. That is my sincerest wish.
BUDDHISM stresses the importance of the present and future. The present and the future are what matters. Always challenging oneself is practicing Buddhism. We practice for the sake of the present and future. It is important not to become trapped in the past; we have to put it behind us. The Buddhism of True Cause is always based on the present moment; it is always “from this moment on”.
THE important thing is to continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what, in times of happiness and in times of sorrow. This attitude of faith holds the key to living a life of supreme joy and happiness. Those who continue to chant sincere daimoku for whatever it is that is in their hearts, who continue to show proof of faith in their daily lives based on daimoku, praying deeply about all things – such people will definitely enjoy lives in which all their desires are fulfilled.
IT may be easy to masquerade as one who speaks about and studies the Law. However, such behavior will not in the least enable one to make the spirit of the True Law his own. Unless one ceaselessly returns to the prime point with seeking spirit, genuine Buddhism will not pulse within his own life. Much less will he be able to move the hearts of others.
EVEN a cave that has been in total darkness for millions of years will become brightly illuminated the moment a light is brought inside. Only your practice of faith can ignite the flame of happiness within your heart.
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June 8, 2015
Leaders should go to the
forefront of our organization!
Compassion means to
“replace suffering with joy.”
Give the kind of encouragement
that awakens friends and enables
them to transform karma into
mission and despair into hope.
Translation of “Words of the Week” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.

9th June
IN maintaining faith, we must be careful to avoid such attitude as haughtiness, pretension or conceit. True faith is to pray single-mindedly to the Gohonzon, continue the practice of gongyo and daimoku and forge ahead without affectation.

BUDDHISM teaches that “the voice does the Buddha’s work”. In general, voice and words have great power. The voice of a single courageous person has the power to embolden others and help them out of difficulty. The scope of kosen-rufu will expand only to the extent that you use your voice to proudly proclaim the true teaching. In this sense, to cowardly remain silent is an evil.

PEOPLE with rich and generous hearts treasure others and nurture their growth. They bring happiness to both themselves and others. Those who are impoverished of heart make life gloomy through their complaining and criticisms of others. They make both themselves and others miserable.

THOSE who strengthen their faith day by day and month after month are genuine practitioners. Our daily practice of gongyo, therefore, is important, as well as attending meetings every month. We must not let our faith grow weak. We must make it stronger today than yesterday, stronger this month than last. Buddhist practice is a succession of such untiring efforts, the ultimate goal of which is attaining the summit of Buddhahood.

OUR earnest prayers and grassroots activities – starting from the local community and rippling out to the entire world, starting from the individual and rippling out to all humanity – create the momentum for the achievement of peace and kosen-rufu.

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June 9, 2015
We are in the season of
high temperature and humidity.(*)
Pay attention to sudden changes
in weather and manage your health
Do your best to lead a sensible daily life
and succeed in achieving good health
and happiness!
(*)Japan has entered the rainy season.
Translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance, with universal value and application.


June 6, 2015

Chapter 3

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A PROPHECY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

THE next year saw no lessening of natural calamities. A fire in January reduced Jufuku-ji temple and the Hachiman shrine at Tsurugaoka to ashes. A rainstorm which wiped out crops in August led to a shortage of food in 1259. Epidemics and famine stalked the city, and corpses began to litter the streets. People turned to priests of the leading sects. This too, proved futile.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN knew that the Lotus Sutra had said that those who believe in the true teaching will be able to enjoy peaceful lives. The conditions in Kamakura showed that the people were far fro enjoying peaceful lives, and the Daishonin attributed their sufferings to their belief in erroneous teachings. In an effort to clarify further the cause of these misfortunes, he went to Jisso-ji temple at Iwamoto in Suruga Province (presently eastern Shizuoka Prefecture ). He stayed there from the beginning of 1258 through the middle of 1260. As a major temple of the Tendai sect of eastern Japan. Jisso-ji housed many important sutra in its scripture library. The Daishonin pored over them all.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN devoted his time at Jisso-ji to tracing the root cause of misery as described in the sutras to help him explain the solution in Buddhism. As he read through the sutras, he wrote many short works,
but three proved to be preparatory to a greater treatise he would present to Kamakura officials in 1260. These were “The Petition for the Expulsion of Nembutsu Believers” (1259), “The protection of the Nation” (1259), and “The Remedy for Disaters” (February 1260).

THE doctrine of the three calamities and seven disasters * as delineated in various sutras provided the Daishonin with the answer he was seeking. It states as follows: If the correct belief is not upheld, indeed if it is slandered even though it has been proclaimed, the people and the nation will suffer various tragedies, including natural disasters, pestilence, famine, internal strife and foreign invasion. The Daishonin saw that the Japanese people not only cherished slanderous beliefs, but also had experienced all but two of the disasters—internal strife and foreign invasion.

ON July 16, 1260, he struck the decisive blow with the document that has come to be known as the starting and ending point of Nichiren’s Daishonin’s stuggle. This document marked the formal beginning of his efforts to propagate his Buddhism for the peace and happiness of society, a task he would pursue throughout his life. It is entitled the “RISSO ANKOKU RON” (On Securing the Peace of the Land through the Propagation of True Buddhism). It was written in scholarly but clear and concise Chinese, and to this day it is the one writing of Nichiren Daishonin’s by which he is most often judged. Critics quote it to imply that he was an abrasive fanatic; others find in it the courage of Nichiren Daishonin to express his convictions and thereby save troubled people.

THIS writing takes the form of a conversation between a host and a traveler on one of his stopovers. The host, of course, is Nichiren Daishonin, and the guest represents Jojo Tokiyori, at the time the retired regent but still the most influential member of the entire Hojo clan which virtually controlled the shogunate. (pp. 12-25)


* three calamities and seven disasters: The disasters described is various sutras. the three calamities occur in two forms: the three lesser calamities of high grain prices or inflation (particularly that caused by famine), war and pestilence; and the three greater calamities of fire, wind and water, which destroy the world. The seven disasters are generally held to arise as a result of slandering the True Law. The Yakushi Sutra defines them as pestilence, foreign invasion, internal strife, extraordinary changes in the heavens, solar and lunar eclipses, unseasonable storms and typhoons, and unseasonable droughts.

June 6, 2015


FORMER President Toda sometimes took what seemed too severe an attitude towards the leaders. He was especially strict in training youth. He often used to cite the example of the sea bass in the Sea of Genkai. Buffeted by the unusually rough currents there, they become lean and extra delicious. The same hold true with people. Men should undergo strict training while young.

TAKEDA SHINGEN, (1) a general of Japan’s civil war era, said “Men are the moats, the castle walls and the castle itself.” The Sokagakkai is a castle of capable people. Three qualities are required of a great individual: courage, capacity and wisdom. Become a person who embodies all three, so you can solve difficult problems calmly, regardless of whether you’re praised or censured. (pp. 126-127)


(1) TAKADA SHINGEN (1521-73) famous warlord from the province of Kai (present day Yamanashi). Tradition has it that unlike other great warlords of the day, he never built a castle, relying instead on the capabilities and unity of his men.

GM ——————————-” UNITY ” ———————————————

Our organization will never be destroyed by external forces. The Sado Gosho reads, Non-Buddhist or evil men can never destroy the Buddha’s true teachings, but the disciples of the Buddha definitely could. The parasite in the lion’s body devours him. …. Cold winds toughens one’s skin,
but a diseased organ will kill him. What matters is the internal unity of the

EVEN a massive tree can rot, as it is helpless against termites. It can endure harsh rain, and snow storms, but cannot combat those insects which bore from within. Many people die in traffic accidents, but even more die from internal diseases. Our organization will not be shaken in the least by any clamor from the outside world. Internal unity is crucial.

GM ——————————- ” TEAMWORK ” ———————————

IN the 1964 Olympics, the Japanese women’s volleyball team defeated the powerful Russian team. Player for player, the Japanese woman were physically weaker than the Russians, and their technique was probably not as polished. But they did have a burning determination to win no matter what, and in additional, they had splendid teamwork. Rigorous training and the power of unity gave victory to the Japanese team.

ULTIMATELY, whether or not one has confidence will decide the outcome of anything. Since we strive with confidence and unity, we can always win. On the stage of the universe, believers in the supreme Law will never be defeated, but will win a succession of victories in their ongoing struggle.

HARMONIOUS unity is the key to victory in any campaign. Victory or defeat hinges on unity. Everything accomplished so far in the Sokagakkai has been the result of unity. If unity is lacking or weak, good results cannot be achieved. (pp.126-129)

*GM. Refers to Guidance Memo*
The World Tribune Press 1975
*Chapter Three: Unity
Daisaku Ikeda

*Guidance in1975, hold true today, in 2015*